Monument Svirid Golokhvastov and Prony Prokopovna

Sightseeing, Pronya Prokopivna and Golokhvastov, Apartments for rent in the center of KievMonument to the Heroes of the immortal works of Staritskogo "Chasing Two Hares" - Golokhvastov and Prony Prokopovna. The samples were taken from the same movie kinogeroi.

Monument located at the foot of the stairs to the church of St. Andrew, St. Andrew's first descent. It is here that were taken last scenes of the movie when Svirid Golokhvastyi was disgracefully expelled.

Incidentally, the bug, which perched on the back Golohvastov, frustrated, and stole 6 times.
    Monument Prony Prokopovnu and Pan Golokhvastov dedicated to characters of one of the most satirical comedies released in the days of the Soviet Union, titled "Chasing Two Hares". The sculptural composition is based on the date of this movie when Svirid Golokhvastov, standing on one knee, offering Prony Prokopovnu hand and heart. The lady in response to its windy stretches handpicked hand to kiss.

   The authors of this monument are well-known architects, Vladimir and Vitali Sivko Schoor. Creation of the monument is a sort of tribute to the talented writer-playwright of Ukraine, the creators of the film masterpieces, most of which are appreciated only after their death.

   This monument is relatively young. Its grand opening was held in Kiev in 1999. It should be noted that the monument fits perfectly into the exterior of the old streets of Kiev. At the opening of the monument to present the legendary actress Margarita Krynitsyna, which was cast in the role of Prony Prokopovnu. She even said in a speech at the "pronskom" surzhik.

   Among the local residents and tourists has become a tradition at the monument to be photographed holding hands in love couple. Sculpture and Prony Prokopovnu Pan Golokhvastov are an inherent part of "Montmartre of Kiev" - Andrew's descent. From morning to night, here are sent to the crowds of tourists and a lot of wedding processions.

Sightseeing, Pronya Prokopivna and Golokhvastov, Apartments for rent in the center of Kiev   As for the film "Chasing Two Hares", the story is put into his story about a young barber Golokhvastov. He is - an avid card player, who decides, after a big loss to improve their financial situation, it is advantageous married. The film is full of funny scenes, phrases that would later become winged, successful finds. The acting is excellent. All this allows to be called this film a classic domestic comedy. It is possible to watch many times and with each subsequent mood will always rise.

   The film was played by Oleg Borisov and Margarita Krynitsina. With their names in the minds of readers of Ukrainian heroes associated vaudeville. For more than three decades, this show does not leave the theater scene in Kiev.

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